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PZC Action Minutes 10-10-06
MEMBERS PRESENT:        Chairman Patrick Kennedy, Gary Bazzano, Michael Sullivan, Suzanne Choate, Bart Pacekonis and Louise Evans

ALTERNATES PRESENT:     Daniel Jeski, David Sorenson

STAFF PRESENT:  Marcia Banach, Director of Planning and Jeff Doolittle, Town Engineer   

Chairman Kennedy called the Public Hearing to order at 7:30 p.m.
Jeski sat in for Slicer.

1.      Appl 06-45P, Chinese Baptist Church of Greater Hartford – request for a special exception to article 4.1.8 and site plan approval for approval of a 35,000 sf church (full build out) on 12.6 acres for property located at R025 King Street, RR zone

The application for the Chinese Baptist Church was presented by Jeffrey Scala, P.E., Project Engineer of GARG Consulting Services, Inc.  Members of the public spoke in favor of the application.  Commissioners had questions and comments.  Lipe gave a planning report and Doolittle had engineering comments.  The public hearing was closed 8:45 p.m.


Chairman Kennedy called meeting to order at 8:55 p.m.

Bazzano made a motion to suspend the rules and discuss Appl. 06-45P, Chinese Baptist Church of Greater Hartford.  Choate seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

1.      Appl 06-45P, Chinese Baptist Church of Greater Hartford – request for a special exception to article 4.1.8 and site plan approval for approval of a 35,000 sf church (full build out) on 12.6 acres for property located at R025 King Street, RR zone.

Bazzano made a motion to approve with modifications Appl. 06-45P, Chinese Baptist Church as mentioned above.  Pacekonis seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

2.      Appl 06-31P, Copper Ridge Subdivision – Request for two consecutive 90 day extensions and the approval for Morra Associates to perform an appraisal to determine the fee in lieu of open space.

Evans made a motion to approve two consecutive 90 day extensions for Appl. 06-31P, Copper Ridge Subdivision as mentioned above as well as approval for Morra Associates to perform an appraisal to determine the fee in lieu of open space.  Choate seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

Discussion/Decision/Action regarding the following:
BONDS: Callings/Reductions/Settings

Site Bonds and IWA/CC Bonds

Appl. 00-07P, Pleasant Meadows site bond of $80,990 with a recommended reduction in the amount of $44,890 leaving a balance of $36,100 and an IWA/CC bond of $3,000 with a recommended reduction of $3,000 leaving a balance of $0.

Evans made a motion to approve the recommendations to reduce bonds for Appl. 00-07P, Pleasant Meadows.  Choate seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

Appl. 04-21P, ECHN IWA/CC bond of $20,000 with a recommended reduction in the amount of $20,000 leaving a balance of $0.

Evans made a motion to approve the recommendations to reduce the bond for Appl. 04-21P, ECHN as mentioned above.  Choate seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

MINUTES:  May 23, 2006; June 13, 2006; June 27, 2006, July 11, 2006 July 25, 3006, August 10, 2006, September 12, 2006.  The minutes were adopted by consensus.

Pacekonis made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:45p.m.  Jeski seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

Respectfully Submitted:

Barbara M. Messino
Recording Secretary